Holy Spirit College recognises the educational importance of teaching both the middle and senior phases of learning and prioritises the philosophy, principles and key issues relevant to supporting our young people. Professional learning is targeted towards teachers of both phases so that best practice is evident in pedagogy, assessment and reporting and that student outcomes are maximised.
Students engage in a range of robust and authentic learning experiences and opportunities in accordance with Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) Religious Education curriculum, Australian Curriculum from Years 7 - 10, Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) from Years 11 and 12 and the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF – VET) from Years 10 – 12.
Core subject areas

Elective subject areas

Senior schooling in Queensland is designed to give students the skills for success in work and life in the future. Across senior subjects, students will acquire 21st century skills to support them as lifelong learners, valued employees, innovators and engaged global citizens. Students may choose from a wide variety of subjects to study during their senior phase of schooling and may elect to study any combination of:
- QCAA General subjects
- QCAA Applied subjects
- Vocational Education and Training (VET) certificates
- School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SATs)
Curriculum Handbooks